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How to Obtain a Large Number of Phone Numbers for LINE Friends

Using phone numbers (mobile phones) to add friends is currently the most common technique for internet marketing software to add a large number of unknown friends. Unless you encounter a LINE user who has specifically canceled 'Settings -> Friends -> Allow to be added as friends' (LINE defaults to allow adding friends via phone numbers), everyone can use this method to add others as friends using mobile phone numbers.

But how do we find these phone numbers? Everyone leaves personal information (including phone numbers) while browsing websites, social media, forums, or blogs. You can use powerful Google to search for these online traces and collect them to add LINE friends.

Google is currently the world's most powerful search engine, and almost 90% of online data can be found through Google. All you need to know is what keywords to enter.

Google Search for LINE Phone Numbers

When you open the Chrome browser, please enter the keywords in the address bar, and you can easily find a large number of useful web pages, which contain many registered LINE phone numbers. Once extracted, you can increase your LINE friend count.

So what keywords should we enter? It's actually very simple! Mobile phone numbers in Taiwan or any other country have patterns. First, mobile phone numbers in Taiwan always start with 09, so you can start by trying 'line 09'. You will find that the search results don't yield many of the LINE phone numbers you want because this keyword is too broad (commonly known as a generic keyword). You need to provide Google with more precise (narrowed-down) keywords, as the correct keywords will lead you to wealth!

Additionally, you can also combine keywords (e.g., locations) to increase accuracy. On the internet, people often refer to LINE by the nickname '賴' or '加賴', which should also be considered in your keyword combinations. Phone numbers can also be augmented by adding two digits to form four digits (narrowing the search scope), for example: 0982, 0935, 0932, etc. This way, the search results will be more precise. You can try searching for '士林 line 賴 0935', and you will find that many users' LINE phone numbers do appear in the search results, or even their LINE IDs. Whether these people actually live in Shilin is uncertain; you won't know. The remaining task is to open each webpage and collect the phone numbers to add on LINE.

Below is a list of the first four digits of mobile phone numbers in Taiwan, which will help you generate sequential numbers to add as friends.

Chunghwa Telecom
0910, 0911, 0912, 0919, 0921, 0928, 0932, 0933, 0934, 0937, 0963, 0965, 0966, 0972, 0974, 0975, 0978, 0984, 0988, 0905
FarEasTone Telecommunications
0900, 0913, 0915, 0916, 0917, 0925, 0926, 0927, 0930, 0931, 0936, 0938, 0954, 0955, 0960, 0962, 0966, 0967, 0968, 0974, 0976, 0981, 0984, 0989, 0903
Taiwan Mobile
0914, 0918, 0920, 0922, 0923, 0924, 0929, 0931, 0935, 0939, 0952, 0953, 0956, 0958, 0960, 0961, 0966, 0970, 0971, 0974, 0979, 0983, 0984, 0987
Public Telecommunications
0966, 0968
Asia Pacific Telecom
0968, 0977, 0980, 0982, 0985, 0906, 0907
Taiwan Star (Vibo) Telecom
0968, 0971, 0973, 0984, 0986, 0908

At this point, you might be thinking that if we can find all mobile phone numbers in Taiwan, it would be more comprehensive than just searching mentioned above. That's right! Another method for collecting phone numbers is to search for large amounts of mobile phone numbers online and then add them as LINE friends. However, there is one thing to be particularly careful about! This scattergun approach may result in finding many friends who are not your target customers, and the marketing time needed will be longer. Therefore, I still recommend utilizing FB groups and LINE groups to obtain a more accurate list of friends.

The discussion above is about using Google search to collect LINE-related phone numbers from the resulting webpages. This method is necessary because there are a vast number of mobile phone numbers across the country. Let's first see how many mobile phone numbers are currently available. The starting combinations are 0900, 0903, 0905, 0906, 0907, 0908, 0910, 0911, 0912, 0913, 0914, 0915, 0916, 0917, 0918, 0919, 0920, 0921, 0922, 0923, 0924, 0925, 0926, 0927, 0928, 0929, 0930, 0931, 0932, 0933, 0934, 0935, 0936, 0937, 0938, 0939, 0952, 0953, 0954, 0955, 0956, 0958, 0960, 0961, 0962, 0963, 0965, 0966, 0967, 0968, 0970, 0971, 0972, 0973, 0974, 0975, 0976, 0977, 0978, 0979, 0980, 0981, 0982, 0983, 0984, 0985, 0986, 0987, 0988, 0989, totaling 70 groups.

If we could identify which phone numbers use LINE, it would mean we have a direct communication channel with all LINE users. What a great thing that would be!

Mining Work

If you plan to search through all the national mobile phone numbers one by one to add as LINE friends, we call this "mining."

LINE Auto Friend Adding Robot

Each set of phone numbers has 000000 to 999999, meaning that one prefix requires searching 1,000,000 times. To search through all national phone numbers, you need to repeat this 70,000,000 times. This is a very challenging task!

The goal of mining is to capture the majority of LINE users, which is very helpful in marketing. However, mining is a hard job! Assuming one computer can search 5,000 times a day (this must be done with robots, as manual efficiency is much lower), it would take a total of 14,000 days to complete the search for all numbers, which is about 39 years. This illustrates the massive scale of mining work!

Currently, LINE has 17 million users in Taiwan. Based on our repeated tests, we found that the chance of finding a friend is very high—about one in every four searches (approximately 1/4). This experience aligns closely with the above inference (70,000,000/17,000,000 = 4.11), indicating that most LINE users still allow their phone numbers to be added as friends.

Download 50,000 Entries Starting with 0932

Next, please generate sequential numbers from these large phone numbers and split them into multiple text files (txt), with each document containing only one phone number per line and a maximum of 50,000 entries per file (the limit for the AUTOF robot). Then import them sequentially into LINE Auto Friend Adding Robot >, and conduct the friend-adding task.


Taiwan Mobile Phone Numbers

This article has garnered much attention from many users since its publication, with inquiries and consultations coming in rapidly. Therefore, I’m sharing this with everyone so you don’t have to waste time looking for methods. Here is the complete list of national phone numbers. Each prefix has one million mobile numbers. Please download it and convert it into a text file with 50,000 entries, then import it into LINE Auto Friend Adding Robot >, and you will open a direct communication channel with LINE users.

LINE Friend Ads

LINE is the most widely used messaging app in Taiwan, ranking number one. Did you know how popular LINE is in Taiwan? According to Nielsen's market survey, nearly 91% of people aged 12 to 65 in Taiwan, approximately 19 million people, use LINE. As more and more people join LINE, it creates the most comprehensive personal connection data, and LINE is the best channel for communicating with people across Taiwan. Therefore, we designed LINE Friend Ads to make it easy for you to market to your LINE friends. LINE Friend Ads We achieved this by combining the methods mentioned above with LINE Auto Friend Adding Robot and Extraction Service > to achieve this.

Extraction Service

Subscribe to Extraction Service

Good news! If you don't have time to mine for marketing targets, we have launched Extraction Service >! After subscribing, you will have access to millions of marketing targets.

When you search for friends to add on LINE by phone number, some numbers may not be registered with LINE, making the search and addition process very tedious and time-consuming! So how can you easily and accurately search for and add a large number of friends? Extraction Service can do it for you! Now, all you need to do is subscribe to Extraction Service on LINE Auto Friend Adding software, press the start button, and the remaining work of adding friends will be done by Extraction Service for you. You will be amazed to find that the friends you want will continuously flow from the cloud, completely effortlessly and without wasting any time!

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